ncrebel21's Diaryland Diary


Kitty's Hidden Talent

The space race is over, right? Why are we so damned determined to still send people to space? We've been to the moon, we've done the orbit thing, we've got satellites, space stations, more pictures of space than anyone could want...what's the deal? Why risk more lives by shoving them in a pointy tube and launching them into the wild blue/black yonder?? I mourn the loss of the Columbia astronauts...

Kitty is getting kinda talented. She climbed up on the stereo (which sits by a window she likes to look out) and when she hopped down she inadvertently turned the stereo on. I was sitting here updating and all of a sudden I heard Toby Keith job Kitty...

Speaking of Kitty, she used to be a relatively quiet cat. Now she "meows" quite a bit. A lot actually. Okay, she meows all the time! Loud meows...some short, some long, kinda like morse code. A seafaring Kitty at heart??

I finished "A Moveable Feast" around 1 am today while I was in the midst of a slow period at work. It is without a doubt the best book I've ever read...

In other news, ninabean will be sending me the long awaited cd soon. WHAHOO!!

To those of you I haven't had a chance to chat with lately (mainly Sir Z and Aura-chic) my humblest apologies. Just know that much is going on here and between work, sleep and current events I have had precious little time to myself. All will be well soon...

I hope.

18:31 - 01 February 2003


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