ncrebel21's Diaryland Diary



Life is so utterly grand when you're in love.

The night is more forgiving, the stars shine brighter and the harsh winter wind isn't quite so cold. Senses are heightened, there is beauty in everything and some days it's as if you're seeing the world for the very first time. Your days are full of wonder and awe and you treat each day as a gift not to be squandered.

You become better, you become more. Your feelings have far surpassed words and yet you can't tell the other person enough. As if saying and hearing the words concretes this dream; three little words convey such unmeasurable emotion that their fantastical quality makes everything more real.

And always in a far hidden place, tucked away in the depths of your mind, you know if this is taken from you the pain would be unbearable. This isn't like the other times when tears, sad music and beer could get you back on your feet. No, this is the genuine article. To lose this would deplete you of your will, your trust, your desire. All passion and faith would be cast aside and you would simply be no more.

For this is our purpose. We are not here to build monuments to our own greatness. We are not here to compete for largest bank account, most popular person or best in show. No, we are here for a more important reason. We are here to inspire, to dream, to love and to be loved.

Without the love of another our souls are incomplete, our hearts only half full and our purpose unfulfilled.

04:41 - 21 December 2004


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